Thursday, December 18, 2014

An explanation

Many of you have written in to complain that yesterday's post by Dak did not conform to the GNU Public Dictatorship's style guide.  At the GPD we are nothing if not consistent, which is why we are deeply sorry that the lack of consistency in the post caused some of you angst.  At the same time, we feel it would be unfair to judge Dak based on one post, and we feel that you should all know a little about him.

Dak Mueller was born in a small house outside No Name, Colorado in 1976.  The day and month are lost to history, but we were able to confirm that it preceded the election of Jimmy Carter as President of the United States by at least two weeks.  His parents were employed at the Glenwood Canyon Resort, and he was often able to see the dangers of brads as those who carried them often ended up puncturing their river rafts.  When he discovered the GNU Public Dictatorship in the early 1990s he quickly organized a community organization to stop the spread of brads in the area, and was quite successful.

Unfortunately, Dak was involved in an accident caused by a driver using a hole punch instead of paying attention, and he was left in a coma for several days.  Upon emerging from the coma it was discovered that Dak had recovered nearly completely, but that for some reason he would insert the phrase "I am Dak" in written and spoken communication with alarming frequency.  He is currently receiving therapy to reduce the number of times he inserts that phrase, but we would like to let you know that you should cut him a little slack and not get too upset if his communications feel a little rough to you.  If he does become a member of the Board of Dictators we will certainly provide him with an editor that will help reduce the frequency of his signature phrase!

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