Thursday, May 1, 2014

The Cause

At the GNU Public Dictatorship we are nothing if not committed to vanquishing evil wherever we encounter it, which is why we have pushed so hard against the organizations that manufacture, distribute, repair, and otherwise handle hole punches and brads.  Some have recently criticized our decisions to not add "compatible toner" to the list of officially Evil office products, which is why we are taking some time to respond to their concerns.

First of all, there is no evidence we can uncover that shows that "compatible toner" employs any of the nefarious symbolism, subversive methods, or back-door techniques that are used for brads and hole punches.  What is more, there is no cult built up to the promotion or adoration of such cartridges, and the manufacturers themselves are not likely to sell to the same customer twice.  The lack of ulterior motives (beyond money) and addictive potential make it unlikely that children will be enslaved by the use of "compatible toner".

At the GPD we will work to eradicate all inferior products, but those that are simply inferior do not warrant the attention of our operatives.  We will, instead, simply make sure informational packets about "compatible toner" are available at all of our county offices.

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