Tuesday, April 22, 2014

The voice of the People

In our last post we communicated a summary of the results of our recent request for feedback, but it was brought to my attention that I had neglected to mention any individual comments, even though I had promised to do so in my prior post.  I am deeply ashamed for this oversight and vow to not let it happen again.  Anyway, here are some of the more interesting comments:

Ingrid S. of Copenhagen, Denmark, stated: "I love lolcats, and if I don't see one every day I don't think I know what I might do.  While the GPD posts aren't quite so bizarre as lolcats, I do miss them when they aren't present.  I feel my life getting less interesting and feel myself being less witty when there is not a new post." 
Vladimir T. of Donetsk, Ukraine, stated: "I contact my GPD county office every day, so I prefer to have the online posts of the GPD be less frequent or more full of actionable information."
Aaron S. of Ames, Iowa, stated: "Please post more frequently.  I use frequent posts to help my friends and neighbors understand how dangerous evil office products are.  When posts are fewer and further between my friends forget not to buy or use brads and hole punches, and I have caught my daughter with evil stickers on occasion."
We wish we could reprint them all, but that would possibly be too verbose.

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